Brianna Martin
Q: What attracted you to the MSPE program?

A: I enjoyed that the MSPE program paired two of my interests; social policy and evaluation. Previously, I had only been able to analyze and discuss social policies and programs with words, and I was ready to learn a new way using data.

Q: What was your career or undergraduate education like prior to the MSPE program?

A: My undergraduate degree is in Journalism and Rhetorical Studies, which led me to teach 11th grade English and Composition for three years prior to the MSPE program.

Q: Where are you now in your work and what do you do?

A: I am a Research and Evaluation Associate at the Episcopal Health Foundation. Primarily, I manage various health-related research and evaluation projects that typically explore health outcomes, health disparities, and/or the social determinants of health in Texas.

Q: What was the highlight/most memorable moment of your experience in the MSPE program?

A: During the spring semester, a group of us attended the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) conference in Austin. Being able to attend this conference was the first time I witnessed everything that we learned in class be used in the 'real world'. Also, I was able to comprehend and interact with what I was learning, and be critical of it, which is very important! I impressed myself with how much a knew about research and statistical analysis when I attended this conference!

Q: What was your favorite class in the MSPE program?

A: Labor Markets and Program Evaluation taught by Paul Treacy, Ph.D. Labor markets was probably the topic that I knew the least about, so it was intriguing to learn something completely new. I also enjoyed the curriculum and the pace of the class for a Friday evening!

Q: What would you say to someone who is considering how this degree might complement their job?

A: If you have or are pursuing a job in research and/or evaluation or public policy, this program will provide you with skills in quantitative analysis, R, public policy analysis, and economics across the different topic areas. More importantly, the program will teach you how to critically think about research and policy and the importance of evaluation in our society today.